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Friday, November 12, 2010 @ 4:42 PM.

It has been a long tyme since I update my blog. & its olrydy dusty. Haha!! But it olryte. I have something to annouce.. Something that I and hubby dont' even expected. Its a good news and a bad one. Here it goes..
The good news is, Im pregnant 1 & a half mnths.. Olrydy goin to be 2 mnths. The bad news is, I cant' continue with what I want in the year 2011.. School & part-time work, have to wait.. Its olrydy a rezeki dary allah so I won't want to reject it.. Who knows with the upcoming gift later on, family lyfe will change and both me and hubby will be more mature and stuffs. I cant' wait for cinta/dedeq. Hehe!! Im wanting a bby boy, Hubby wanting a bby girl. But we both dont' care actually.. Bby Girl or Bby Boy, she/he is our beloved bby:)) For now, all that im stressing on is the marriage. I, hubby and family have agreed to have the marriage outside of singapore. Cause in singapore when your 18, you have to undergo courses.... Plus I hear info, here and there, that if you dont have a certificate of marriage, when you give birth, your bby cant have your husband's name at the bck of their name. For my case its different. Im olrydy married. By religious, Im sah. But to society, goverment, my status is stll single. Thats why I want to arrange a proper marriage so that I, hubby and family wont' be stressing on it.
Hubby is changing from a good husband to a better husband. Hope he will be a perfect husband later on:) Aminn..
For now, Im in singapore and Im not with him. Im missing hyme badly.. So badly. Cant wait to go back next week but I want to settle what I have to settle first.. Sabar kay sayang.. I'll be back soon. imissyousomuch deareast husband.
Olryte, I have to go.. Toddlexz!!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010 @ 1:08 PM.

I know that we both dont' have other choice then to separate. We have too. Its for our future. I do understand. The feeling of lost, of course I feel it. I feel it badly. To be apart from you, I hate it the most. Im weak, I cant' hold my tears even for an hour. Im lost in a world that I dont' know what to do next. Mayb im too young for this or I just cant' accept the fact that its olrydy like this and its all because of our ways that lead us to becoming what we are today. But irah harap and slalu b'doa, that everything will brubah for the better. Irah sayang Andre. Perasaan nie akn tetap mcm gytu smpai bylerbyler. Wlwpn kyter jauh, irah hrp perasaan kyter b'2 tk akn brubah. I'll always be there for you and I hope you will also be there for me. Cause, of course I do need you badly. Things gonna change sumhow, and it wont' la be lyke this forever.:) Parents have no confident with me sumhow, as they think im a jerk because of the decisions I've made without them knwing.. I know its my fault and I do accept it. All I and you have to do is to prove to the people hu thinks we are jerk, that they are wrong.. Lyke I told you before sayang, if you semangat, I'll also be semangat.. I'll be the best for you if you want to sarcrifice and go all the way for this lyfe of ours aite sayang.. Hhmm.. I miss Shasha. But she seems to changed. Mayb shes busy. But, tkkn even her off day, she cant' lyn me textin her.. Haishh, Im sad cause I dont' usually get to text her alwaies. Cause Im alwaies out of town. Mayb too she have new friends that can celebrate her birthday with her, give her surprises, and I cant'. I just wanne say that Im sowie, cause this year have been a hard and worse one for me and family.. My financial became worst den ever.. So I cant' give or spent on you or surprise you.. But I can still send you a smz that cost FREE & or 5cents. Im sorry. You know, if you watch KARATE KID, you will notice and remember one part, cause the movie is GREAT!! The one part is" TOO MUCH OF GOOD THING IS A BAD THING". That's the part.. So to my dearest friend Shasha, do have fun tyme aite, don't stress in work. You must work smart.:)
' NATASHA, Iloveyou:))

Sunday, August 01, 2010 @ 11:55 PM.

Goin to be outstation tomorrow. So mayb and mayb not updating things. Might be dusty agaen this blogger of myne, but not dat dusty uhs.. Will soon update. Will text my beloved friends before going.. :)


Saturday, July 31, 2010 @ 7:43 PM.

:(Money, Money, Money. Everything in lyfe is about money. Stressing on that for now. Sayang, Irah tk pena menyesal kerane, you cant' give me whatever I needed in lyfe, that has the connection with money. But as long as u sayang me and always be you, I thank god for letting me, still to be with you. Money, we can find. Maybe, our lyfes now, in a bad shape, most of them look dwn on us, but I know that we wont' want to be like this forever. I know that we will stay strong, cause Irah akn slalu ada untk sayang:) Pecayelahh. Wont' waste the memories that we have made up.
[She] Irah tk pecaye she can be like that. I dont' know why she become like that. Irah dah pnat uhs dgn perangai she. Mls. She just makes me burn up, burn and burn...
[Me] Nk kerje 1 week before Hari Raye, with Uncle Hamid. Want to get some money to buy things lahh for Hari Raya!!
Hope everything will go well...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010 @ 7:36 PM.

Im just patiencely waiting for an answer from the ITE teacher as if I can study again in the same course. Did a big mistake of leaving school without being thrown out. But still dissapointed with me & family's decisions. Hmph!! The past is the past. Now, its tyme to re-correct the mistakes that had been made:) Anw, still missing the friends that Im loving:)

Saturday, July 17, 2010 @ 11:52 AM.

It was raining the whole mawnin. From abt 4 till mawnin:) Got one lightning that is so damn loud, & I was damn scare of it, I dont' know why. Need to urine pon takot. Haishh. Lucky not alone shey:) Hugg Andre tight:) Ahaas:) Hubby worked up, had a plan olrydy. Since he gt to spore, his intention is to visit his fathers' graveyard:) So, his intention dat he keep as his wish, came true. At last, he got to see whre his being buried:) Im happy for him. Im having a other plan, since tuday im not following him, mayb another day, I will be going there with my family, and I want to take picture, so dat I can show to the others that is in Palembang & Batam:) Okayla, nuthing more to say.

Friday, July 16, 2010 @ 1:57 PM.

Im full for yesterday. Haha:) Wanne know why, I was being feed by Andre's family with alot of food. Sat there, And all I did is to eat. eat. eat:) &&&& kene ceramah. ahhas. Okay. Had a fun tyme uhh. Because Kak Roza is so kind and funny. She loves to jokes and I love hearing her jokes all day. Never get bored:) That Family is a Fun-Loving Family:) I do feel welcome:) Thankies all:)
Having a future plan of staying separate house from family. Hope the plans will worked just fyne:)
Anw, Puase is just arnd the corner:)

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